Submission #4034724

Source Code Expand

n = int(input())
a = [list(map(int,input().split())) for i in range(n)]
dp = [[float("inf")]*(500) for i in range(n+1)]
if n > 400:
for i in range(500):
  dp[0][i] = 0
for i in range(1,n+1):
  m = a[i-1][1] - a[i-1][0]
  mm = a[i-2][1] - a[i-2][0]
  for j in range(405):
    for k in range(405):
      if (j<= k and k<=j+m) or (k<= j and j <= k+mm) or i == 1:
        dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j],dp[i-1][k]+abs(j-a[i-1][0]))
ans = float("inf")
for i in range(500):
  ans = min(ans,dp[n][i])

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task E - NarrowRectangles
User rookzeno
Language PyPy3 (2.4.0)
Score 300
Code Size 523 Byte
Status WA
Exec Time 1721 ms
Memory 444420 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample Subtask All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 300 / 300 0 / 700
AC × 3
WA × 2
AC × 13
AC × 16
WA × 2
MLE × 19
Set Name Test Cases
Sample 0_000.txt, 0_001.txt, 0_002.txt, 0_003.txt, 0_004.txt
Subtask 0_000, 0_001, 0_004, 1_005.txt, 1_006.txt, 1_007.txt, 1_008.txt, 1_009.txt, 1_010.txt, 1_011.txt, 1_012.txt, 1_013.txt, 1_014.txt, 1_015.txt, 1_016.txt, 1_017.txt
All 0_000.txt, 0_001.txt, 0_002.txt, 0_003.txt, 0_004.txt, 1_005.txt, 1_006.txt, 1_007.txt, 1_008.txt, 1_009.txt, 1_010.txt, 1_011.txt, 1_012.txt, 1_013.txt, 1_014.txt, 1_015.txt, 1_016.txt, 1_017.txt, 2_018.txt, 2_019.txt, 2_020.txt, 2_021.txt, 2_022.txt, 2_023.txt, 2_024.txt, 2_025.txt, 2_026.txt, 2_027.txt, 2_028.txt, 2_029.txt, 2_030.txt, 2_031.txt, 2_032.txt, 2_033.txt, 2_034.txt, 2_035.txt, 2_036.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
0_000.txt AC 213 ms 42096 KB
0_001.txt AC 248 ms 45936 KB
0_002.txt WA 224 ms 42736 KB
0_003.txt WA 257 ms 45424 KB
0_004.txt AC 193 ms 39792 KB
1_005.txt AC 1236 ms 52188 KB
1_006.txt AC 1201 ms 51676 KB
1_007.txt AC 1690 ms 50268 KB
1_008.txt AC 1463 ms 56540 KB
1_009.txt AC 1449 ms 56924 KB
1_010.txt AC 1464 ms 56796 KB
1_011.txt AC 1435 ms 56628 KB
1_012.txt AC 1403 ms 56796 KB
1_013.txt AC 1487 ms 56924 KB
1_014.txt AC 1443 ms 56156 KB
1_015.txt AC 1439 ms 56284 KB
1_016.txt AC 1721 ms 57396 KB
1_017.txt AC 1701 ms 56156 KB
2_018.txt MLE 1033 ms 444164 KB
2_019.txt MLE 987 ms 443908 KB
2_020.txt MLE 1015 ms 444420 KB
2_021.txt MLE 1024 ms 443908 KB
2_022.txt MLE 1034 ms 444420 KB
2_023.txt MLE 1024 ms 443908 KB
2_024.txt MLE 1018 ms 443908 KB
2_025.txt MLE 1032 ms 443908 KB
2_026.txt MLE 1025 ms 443908 KB
2_027.txt MLE 1051 ms 443908 KB
2_028.txt MLE 1045 ms 443908 KB
2_029.txt MLE 1049 ms 444420 KB
2_030.txt MLE 1054 ms 444420 KB
2_031.txt MLE 1042 ms 443908 KB
2_032.txt MLE 1005 ms 444420 KB
2_033.txt MLE 995 ms 444420 KB
2_034.txt MLE 1043 ms 443908 KB
2_035.txt MLE 1064 ms 443908 KB
2_036.txt MLE 1041 ms 444420 KB