Submission #2698911

Source Code Expand

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

#define NDEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
#include "../cout11.h"
#undef NDEBUG
#include <cassert>

typedef long long ll;
typedef long double Double;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
typedef pair<int,int> ii;
typedef pair<ll,ll> llll;
typedef pair<double,double> dd;

typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef vector<vector<int>> vvi;
typedef vector<ii> vii;
typedef vector<vector<ii>> vvii;
typedef vector<ll> vll;
typedef vector<vll> vvll;
typedef vector<string> vs;
typedef vector<double> vd;
typedef vector<long double> vD;

#define sz(a)  int((a).size())
#define pb  push_back
#define FOR(var,from,to) for(int var=(from);var<=(to);++var)
#define rep(var,n)  for(int var=0;var<(n);++var)
#define rep1(var,n)  for(int var=1;var<=(n);++var)
#define repC2(vari,varj,n)  for(int vari=0;vari<(n)-1;++vari)for(int varj=vari+1;varj<(n);++varj)
#define ALL(c)  (c).begin(),(c).end()
#define RALL(c)  (c).rbegin(),(c).rend()
#define tr(i,c)  for(auto i=(c).begin(); i!=(c).end(); ++i)
#define found(s,e)  ((s).find(e)!=(s).end())
#define mset(arr,val)  memset(arr,val,sizeof(arr))
#define mid(x,y) ((x)+((y)-(x))/2)
#define IN(x,a,b) ((a)<=(x)&&(x)<=(b))

ll gcd(ll a, ll b) { while(a) swap(a, b%=a); return b; }

const ll MOD=1000000007LL;

ll ADD(ll x, ll y) { return (x+y) % MOD; }
ll SUB(ll x, ll y) { return (x-y+MOD) % MOD; }
ll MUL(ll x, ll y) { return x*y % MOD; }
ll POW(ll x, ll e) { ll v=1; for(; e; x=MUL(x,x), e>>=1) if (e&1) v = MUL(v,x); return v; }
ll DIV(ll x, ll y) { /*assert(y%MOD!=0);*/ return MUL(x, POW(y, MOD-2)); }
// ll comb(ll n, ll k) { ll v=1; for(ll i=1; i<=k; i++) v = DIV(MUL(v, n-i+1),i); return v; }

#define INTSPACE 12
char _buf[INTSPACE*1000000 + 3];

int loadint() {
    if (fgets(_buf, INTSPACE+3, stdin)==NULL) return 0;
    return atoi(_buf);

int loadvec(vector<int>& v, int N=-1) {
    if (N == -1) {
        N = loadint();
        if (N==0) return 0;
    int bufsize = INTSPACE*N + 3;
    if (fgets(_buf, bufsize, stdin)==NULL) return 0;

    int i=0;
    bool last = false;
    for (char *p=&_buf[0]; ;) {
        char *q = p;
        while (*q > ' ') ++q;
        if (*q == 0x0D || *q == 0x0A) last = true;
        *q = 0;
        v[i++] = atoi(p);
        if (last || i == N) break;
        p = q+1;
    // assert(i <= N);
    return i;
void read_cr() {
    fgets(_buf, 256, stdin);

ll solve(int N,int K,vi& a) {
    int cap = K*2;
    rep(i,N) a[i] = min(cap, a[i]);
    cap = min(K + *max_element(ALL(a)), cap);

    vvi pre(N+1, vi(1+cap, 0)),
         post(N+1, vi(1+cap, 0));
    vvi pre_(N+1, vi());
    vvi post_(N+1, vi());

    pre[0][0] = 1;
    for (int i=0; i<N; ++i){
        int d = a[i];
            if (!pre[i][j]) continue;
            pre[i+1][j] |= 1;
            if (j+d <= cap) pre[i+1][j+d] |= 1;
        rep(j,1+cap) {
            if (pre[i+1][j]) pre_[i+1].pb(j);
        // cerr << pre_[i+1] << endl;

    post[0][0] = 1;
    for (int i=0; i<N; ++i){
        int d = a[N-1-i];
            if (!post[i][j]) continue;
            post[i+1][j] |= 1;
            if (j+d <= cap) post[i+1][j+d] |= 1;
        rep(j,1+cap) {
            if (post[i+1][j]) post_[i+1].pb(j);
        // cerr << post_[i+1] << endl;

    int ans = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
        if (a[i] >= K) {
            // needed = true;
        bool needed = false;
#ifdef DEBUG
        cerr << a[i] << pre_[i] << post_[N-1-i] << endl;
        fprintf(stderr, " looking for [%d-%d, %d)\n", K,a[i],K);
        for (int p : pre_[i]){
            // [k-ai, k) を探してて
            // pを引くから
            // [k-p-ai, k-p)
            auto it = lower_bound(ALL(post_[N-1-i]), K-p-a[i]);
            auto jt = lower_bound(ALL(post_[N-1-i]), K-p);
            if (it != jt) { needed = true; break; }
        if (!needed) ++ans;

    return ans;

int main() {
    int N,K; cin >> N >> K;
    vi a(N);
    cout << solve(N,K,a) << endl;
    // cout << (solve(N,a) ? "Yes":"No") << endl;
    return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task D - No Need
User naoya_t
Language C++14 (GCC 5.4.1)
Score 300
Code Size 4402 Byte
Status MLE
Exec Time 957 ms
Memory 819200 KB

Compile Error

./Main.cpp: In function ‘void read_cr()’:
./Main.cpp:86:28: warning: ignoring return value of ‘char* fgets(char*, int, FILE*)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
     fgets(_buf, 256, stdin);

Judge Result

Set Name Sample Subtask All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 300 / 300 0 / 300
AC × 3
AC × 26
AC × 36
MLE × 15
Set Name Test Cases
Sample 0_000.txt, 0_001.txt, 0_002.txt
Subtask 0_000.txt, 0_001.txt, 0_002.txt, 1_003.txt, 1_004.txt, 1_005.txt, 1_006.txt, 1_007.txt, 1_008.txt, 1_009.txt, 1_010.txt, 1_011.txt, 1_012.txt, 1_013.txt, 1_014.txt, 1_015.txt, 1_016.txt, 1_017.txt, 1_018.txt, 1_019.txt, 1_020.txt, 1_021.txt, 1_022.txt, 1_023.txt, 1_024.txt, 1_025.txt
All 0_000.txt, 0_001.txt, 0_002.txt, 1_003.txt, 1_004.txt, 1_005.txt, 1_006.txt, 1_007.txt, 1_008.txt, 1_009.txt, 1_010.txt, 1_011.txt, 1_012.txt, 1_013.txt, 1_014.txt, 1_015.txt, 1_016.txt, 1_017.txt, 1_018.txt, 1_019.txt, 1_020.txt, 1_021.txt, 1_022.txt, 1_023.txt, 1_024.txt, 1_025.txt, 2_026.txt, 2_027.txt, 2_028.txt, 2_029.txt, 2_030.txt, 2_031.txt, 2_032.txt, 2_033.txt, 2_034.txt, 2_035.txt, 2_036.txt, 2_037.txt, 2_038.txt, 2_039.txt, 2_040.txt, 2_041.txt, 2_042.txt, 2_043.txt, 2_044.txt, 2_045.txt, 2_046.txt, 2_047.txt, 2_048.txt, 2_049.txt, 2_050.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
0_000.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
0_001.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
0_002.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
1_003.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
1_004.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
1_005.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
1_006.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
1_007.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
1_008.txt AC 6 ms 2432 KB
1_009.txt AC 6 ms 2432 KB
1_010.txt AC 4 ms 2816 KB
1_011.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
1_012.txt AC 4 ms 2816 KB
1_013.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
1_014.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
1_015.txt AC 7 ms 5888 KB
1_016.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
1_017.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
1_018.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
1_019.txt AC 4 ms 2432 KB
1_020.txt AC 2 ms 384 KB
1_021.txt AC 4 ms 3072 KB
1_022.txt AC 3 ms 1408 KB
1_023.txt AC 2 ms 512 KB
1_024.txt AC 4 ms 2176 KB
1_025.txt AC 6 ms 3328 KB
2_026.txt AC 1 ms 384 KB
2_027.txt AC 2 ms 640 KB
2_028.txt AC 2 ms 640 KB
2_029.txt MLE 739 ms 319104 KB
2_030.txt MLE 737 ms 318976 KB
2_031.txt MLE 439 ms 391936 KB
2_032.txt AC 3 ms 1408 KB
2_033.txt MLE 439 ms 391936 KB
2_034.txt AC 3 ms 1408 KB
2_035.txt AC 3 ms 1408 KB
2_036.txt MLE 768 ms 819200 KB
2_037.txt AC 2 ms 896 KB
2_038.txt AC 2 ms 1024 KB
2_039.txt AC 2 ms 1024 KB
2_040.txt MLE 419 ms 375424 KB
2_041.txt MLE 415 ms 446976 KB
2_042.txt MLE 598 ms 631424 KB
2_043.txt MLE 363 ms 387072 KB
2_044.txt MLE 410 ms 449408 KB
2_045.txt AC 214 ms 233472 KB
2_046.txt MLE 362 ms 263168 KB
2_047.txt MLE 727 ms 472064 KB
2_048.txt MLE 957 ms 609920 KB
2_049.txt MLE 884 ms 610176 KB
2_050.txt MLE 834 ms 610560 KB